Kathryn Thomas

I was born and raised in Lubbock, and I gladly call it home. I began my artistic development in the fall of 2008 after retiring from a 30+ year career in healthcare. I am primarily self-taught through individual study, workshops, and trial and error. My primary mediums are watercolor, acrylic, and pastel. I LOVE COLOR and painting in an impressionist or representational style. I enjoy varied subject matter in my art, but I love painting things that make me happy, like puffy birds and loose animals, fruit, and flowers. I am a current member, as well as a previous Exhibit Chair, Vice-President, and President, of the West Texas Watercolor Society. I am a frequent exhibitor at First Friday Art Trail, LHUCA Art events, and shows throughout different venues in the city and in the region. I have been privileged to have solo shows at the Buddy Holly Center and at the Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery. I love interacting with visitors as they browse, talk and buy art. What could be more fun! I also enjoy interacting with fellow artists and coming away with "pearls" of new information that can help me improve my art. Many thanks to Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery for representing me, and I hope you enjoy my artwork.
West Texas Watercolor Society
Lubbock Arts Alliance
American Women Artists
American Impressionist Society, Inc.